donnée|données in English


(French) set of principles or assumptions on which work of fiction or drama carries on or moves forward; subject or theme of theatrical work

Use "donnée|données" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "donnée|données" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "donnée|données", or refer to the context using the word "donnée|données" in the English Dictionary.

1. Vital Statistics Council for Canada Conseil de la statistique de l'état civil du Canada (n.m.) vital statistics data données de l'état civil (n.f.plur.) vital statistics registrar registraire de l'état civil (n.m.) void1 (in law) (adj.) nul (en droit) (adj.) void2 (an election) (v.) annuler2 (une élection) voidance; avoidance; cancellation annulation (n.f.)

2. [GUI] Rename [GUI] Renommer [GUI] rendering rendu (n.m.) rendition rendu (n.m.); affinage (n.m.) renovate remettre à neuf repeat key touche de répétition (n.f.) repetitive strain injury; RSI [ergonomics] microtraumatismes répétés (n.m.) [ergonomie] replace (n.) remplacement (n.m.) replicated database base de données dupliquée (n.f.) replicator; port replicator duplicateur de port (n.m.) repository; software repository référentiel reprogrammable PROM; REPROM mémoire morte reprogrammable (n.f.); mémoire REPROM (n.f.)

3. 21 – That is the case, inter alia, for the following language versions: Danish (‘... personer af en bestemt race eller etnisk oprindelse ...’); Spanish (‘... personas de un origen racial o étnico concreto ...’); French (‘... des personnes d’une race ou d’une origine ethnique donnée ...’); Italian (‘... persone di unadeterminata razza od origine etnica ...’); Dutch (‘... personen van een bepaald ras of een bepaalde etnische afstamming ...’); Portuguese (‘... pessoas de umadada origem racial ou étnica ...’); Romanian (‘... persoană, de o anumită rasă sau origine etnică ...’); Finnish (‘... tiettyä rotua tai etnistä alkuperää olevat henkilöt ...’) and Swedish (‘... personer av en viss ras eller ettvisst etniskt ursprung ...’) (emphases added).

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